Ano: 1917
Duração: 3 mins
Descrição: I. 'WHY THE GERMAN FLEET IS IDLE. A fear of the British Leviathans which make mutiny in the German Navy preferable to action.' LS off the port beam of HMS Collingwood and pan right to Orion Class battleship and others - a drifter crowded with men passes right to left in the foreground. LSs fine and then broad on the port bow of HMS Queen Elizabeth - drifter in the foreground. 'Admiralty Official Film. THE SMILE THEY HAVE IN THE NAVY. Cheery evidence that though its a "Long Long Wait for Fritz" the men of our Navy are as happy and contented as can be.' Ordinary sailors, warrant officers and marines come onboard cameraship. The men are from more than one ship (Hercules and Pembroke are certainly represented) and they are at ease, smiling and even acting up to camera, many of them smoking - a party returning from shore leave ?.II. 'THERE IS A TAVERN - IN MUNITION TOWN. The Duke of Connaught was immensely interested in the working arrangements at the tavern controlled by the Liquor Board which H.R.H. opened at Enfield.' The Duke leaves the factory area - workers look on from left. MS of the Duke in the Tavern talking with a cook at work on a range - managerial staff point out things of interest in the kitchens. The Duke passes crowd of workers to regain his car before leaving.III. '"THE BRITISH RIFLE FIRE WAS DEADLY". In spite of all the machinery employed in the War, Lord French who presented the King's prize for shooting to the Royal Marine Cadets (Deal), declared that the rifle was still of vital importance.' MS of French delivering his address in the quadrangle of the War Office. He presents the King's shield to a RM sergeant instructor who (not unnaturally) wears the badge of a First Class Marksman. The cadets, rifles shouldered, are each awarded a medal for their proficiency. MS of the Deal cadets fallen in, and MCU of the shield held by their instructor.IV. 'LORD MAYOR REVIEWS THE NATIONAL GUARD. Sir Wm. Dunn took the salute when these splendid veterans marched past the Mansion House in the pouring rain.' MS as the men march past Sir William who looks down from the portico of Mansion House - the soldiers wear trench coats, and onlookers shelter under umbrellas. MCU right profile of the Mayor as he salutes the passing Guard. Cut back to MS scene - two young women seem unusually excited, perhaps recognising someone in the march past. MS of the Mayor standing with officers of the Guard in the background - he salutes for the camera. Final shot of procession past Mansion House.
I. Battleships at anchor.II. The Duke of Connaught opens a canteen at the Royal Small Arms Factory Enfield.III. Lord French presents rifle proficiency medals to cadets.IV. The Lord Mayor of London reviews the National Guard.
Palavras-chave: EFG1914 / World War I / Arthur, Prince (Duke of Connaught) / French, John Denton Pinkstone / Dunn, William Henry / London, Lord Mayor of / Royal Navy, COLLINGWOOD (HMS), battleship / Royal Navy, Queen Elizabeth / Royal Navy, Hercules / Royal Navy, Pembroke / Royal Small Arms Factory / Cadet Corps & Royal Marine Cadet Corps, Deal / Volunteer Training Reserve & National Guard / ships, British - battleship: Collingwood / ships, British - battleship: Queen Elizabeth / ships, British - battleship: Orion Class / operations, British naval - routine / ceremonies, British - event-related: opening of factory tavern / delegations, British national - goodwill: Prince Arthur visits Royal Small Arms Factory / industry, British - munitions / society, British - sustenance / ceremonies, British - event-related: presentation of King's Prize for Shooting / ceremonies, British - display: review of National Guard / GB, England & Enfield, Middx
/ GB, England & London, EC -
Fornecedor: Imperial War Museums
Direitos: In Copyright / Imperial War Museums
Companhia produtora: Topical Film Company
Cor: Black & White
Sound: Without sound
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